Wednesday 17 April 2013

Farewell Mt Hope

It has been a wonderful experience here at Mt Hope.  I have met so many special people who are making the world a better place for others, and who have taken on board the task to develop and grow a dream for the future despite limitations of time, money and resources.  We take for granted simple things, like popping down to the shops to replace something that has broken or buying something we have just run out of.   Here you can travel for hours to find what you need, and then you may not find it at all!!  And then there is the question of quality of goods and suitability to the climate.   Even the staples in my notebook went rusty!!! And the soil here is very heavy clay, so has poor drainage and is very hard to work with.  Yet there are gardens being developed and fruit trees growing (yummy papayas and soursop)  The young people have an hour of chores each day which includes maintaining the gardens, so is a community affair.  Hats off to the amazing people who are making Mt Hope all that it is and will be in the future!!!!  It has been a pleasure and privilege to work alongside you and be welcomed into your lives!!

Davin helping out with the sweeping

Well how else do you get to Senior High school when the bus breaks down??  Oh that's right, use the dump truck!!!

Grade Three Posers...yes kids are the same wherever you go in  the world!!!

Ademis, isn't he the cutest?  He stole my heart!!!

Junior High Assembly

The Kindergarten class I taught in

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