Saturday 13 April 2013

Balai Karangan shots

One of the things I did before I left Mt Hope, was pull out the sewing machine in storage (no one knows how to use it) and revamp these good quality cotton teeshirts, 18 of them in all.  Now they will be able to be worn, and I have to say, they look pretty cool!!  I should have added my designer signature label to them!!!

Not exactly the most encouraging thing to give to disadvantaged kids
Hence the transformation!!!

While a visitor from Singapore was here taking a two day photography clinic for a group of children, we took them out on a photo excursion to the local river.  Note how clean it is.......not!!  This river is often used for bathing and washing, but Mt Hope has bore and spring water with the help of a pump that works if the right amount of electricity gets to it, so thankfully the children do not have to have trips to the river that often!!!  The river is used by local fisherman who use the boats that are shown here in the photos.  The fish eaten here is NOTHING like the fish we eat in New Zealand, in fact, I think we would probably use their fish for bait!!  It is cooked whole in spices and seasonings, etc, then eaten with rice (rice is eaten with everything!!!  If you haven’t had rice with a meal, you haven’t finished your meal!!! ... and we are not talking about a spoonful either, try half a plateful at least!!)  It is a matter of picking out the bones, and trying to find all the meat you can without breaking the main boneline up too much!!!  Too bad if your portion is the fish head .... unless you want to be very adventurous your fish meal will be light, as you will have slim pickings on finding much white flesh!!

The boys checking out the local fishing boats in the oh so clean river!!

Balai Karangan town centre

View up the river from the bridge

1 comment:

  1. Like u Photos, i live in Balai Karangan. greeting u ...
