Tuesday 19 March 2013

Welcome to Mt Hope, Balaikarangan, Kalimanten

A 4.15am start, 3 flights, 6 airports, I arrive at Kuching, Sarawak, on Borneo Island 17 hours later..... it was a long day!!  An overnight stop and off to Mt Hope after a shopping expedition picking up supplies.  A border check, another visa into Indonesia, and off on the back of a motorbike up the road to a street cafe to enjoy Bak So for lunch, then into a van and off we go.  Was a relief to get out of the heat and into my new temporary residence ..... here for a month at Mt Hope Training Centre, home for 150 Dayak children from poor families in the jungle areas, and school for 400.  Check out their website for the wonderful work that they do......

my home away from home - ah, airconditioning in my bedroom what luxury !!!!
Kindergarten where I had fun with six year old's teaching 
"5 little monkeys up a tree" and "the wheels on the bus" and playin "What's in the bag"

Kindergarten class colouring pictures with English words.. sock, shirt, hat...

Primary School 6 classes - year 1-6

Junior High - Year 7-9

One of the little cuties here - baby of one of the staff
 (haven't managed a cuddle yet)

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