Wednesday 13 March 2013

Island Paradise

Time spent today travelling to Senaru, to take in some of Lombok's mountain scenery.  It would be an injustice travelling all the way to this beautiful island, and not take in all the amazing sights this island paradise has to offer. Diverse from tropical coastline, to ricefields, traditional villages with thatched and bamboo huts, to jungle rainforests and mountains up in the clouds. I spent some time today walking into the rainforest to view two amazing waterfalls, time well worth spent!  The second required meandering over a bridge, crossing a stream with rapids and climbing over rocks.  You could hear the sound of the waterfall as you approached and the spray off Tiu Kelep waterfall was amazing.  No need to actually enter the pool under the waterfall to get wet, although if I had brought a change of clothes, I would have definately been in there.  For all those travelling to Lombok, put a trip to the waterfalls on the list of things to   see...simply amazing!!

Senura waterfall walk

Bottom of First waterfall Sindang Gila

Sindang Gila waterfall

second waterfall Tiu Kelep

in the pool under the waterfall .. the spray was amazing!!
Tiu Kelep ... simply breathtaking!!
One could sit for hours at the lunch table with this view to ponder on... 

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