Saturday 30 March 2013

Today's Excursions

Today was a good day to venture out the gates for the first time since arriving, not once but twice! 

A drive via the local market to pick up groceries, then off to drop off some guests at the border.  A bunch of bobby bananas for just 34 cents sounded a good buy to me!!!

Then off to a local village to an Indonesian wedding.  We packed into the bus in the heat, never mind the windows that didn't open and the fact there was no air conditioning, and travelled nearly an hour down the local roads that need some serious attention, over a wooden bridge I held my breath on as we went over, (phew made it!!) to one of the village houses.   The actual ceremony had already taken place earlier in the morning, and the couple sit all day on a dais with an open house policy for visitors to come.  It is customary to greet the happy couple, have some food, then give them a monetary gift as you leave.  It is wonderful to see family, honour and community, of great importance  to the people of Indonesia.

Mt Hope Wedding Guests
Bride and Groom on the porch Dais

Path to the Wedding House

Main Road from Balai Karangan
Entikong Border Checkpoint

Road to Village
Regina, one of the staff from Mt Hope all dressed up and looking beautiful!!

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