Monday 18 March 2013

Farewell Lombok

Well, ten days have past, and it is time to move on to another place and another adventure.  Lombok is indeed a beautiful island and worth a visit to just kick back and relax, as well as take in a bit of exploring. On one of the last few days I managed to join in on a Hash Harriers Run up into the hills.  There I found subdivisions going up with horrendous looking driveways, but with massive 180o views of the coastline.  And there the gap between rich and poor could be clearly seen with mansions built 50 metres away from simple huts.  Something we just don't see in the same context in New Zealand.  We cry from the rooftops "injustice", but here as westerners have settled, it has become a way of life.
Goodbye Lombok, thank you for the wonderful sunsets; I look forward to visiting you again!!

The home of the rich

The home of the poor

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