Saturday 30 March 2013

Today's Excursions

Today was a good day to venture out the gates for the first time since arriving, not once but twice! 

A drive via the local market to pick up groceries, then off to drop off some guests at the border.  A bunch of bobby bananas for just 34 cents sounded a good buy to me!!!

Then off to a local village to an Indonesian wedding.  We packed into the bus in the heat, never mind the windows that didn't open and the fact there was no air conditioning, and travelled nearly an hour down the local roads that need some serious attention, over a wooden bridge I held my breath on as we went over, (phew made it!!) to one of the village houses.   The actual ceremony had already taken place earlier in the morning, and the couple sit all day on a dais with an open house policy for visitors to come.  It is customary to greet the happy couple, have some food, then give them a monetary gift as you leave.  It is wonderful to see family, honour and community, of great importance  to the people of Indonesia.

Mt Hope Wedding Guests
Bride and Groom on the porch Dais

Path to the Wedding House

Main Road from Balai Karangan
Entikong Border Checkpoint

Road to Village
Regina, one of the staff from Mt Hope all dressed up and looking beautiful!!

Thursday 28 March 2013

Visiting Teams to Mt Hope

It is great when groups come in and give their time and skills to do something different with the children.  We had a group from Singapore come and take a music seminar with keyboards and an Indonesian percussion instrument that comes in different keys.  There was also a soccer clinic and a hair cutting teaching session.
A team also came from Malaysia to take a seminar called "No Apologies" for teens about sexuality and making wise choices.

Music Seminar
Soccer Clinic

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Welcome to Mt Hope, Balaikarangan, Kalimanten

A 4.15am start, 3 flights, 6 airports, I arrive at Kuching, Sarawak, on Borneo Island 17 hours later..... it was a long day!!  An overnight stop and off to Mt Hope after a shopping expedition picking up supplies.  A border check, another visa into Indonesia, and off on the back of a motorbike up the road to a street cafe to enjoy Bak So for lunch, then into a van and off we go.  Was a relief to get out of the heat and into my new temporary residence ..... here for a month at Mt Hope Training Centre, home for 150 Dayak children from poor families in the jungle areas, and school for 400.  Check out their website for the wonderful work that they do......

my home away from home - ah, airconditioning in my bedroom what luxury !!!!
Kindergarten where I had fun with six year old's teaching 
"5 little monkeys up a tree" and "the wheels on the bus" and playin "What's in the bag"

Kindergarten class colouring pictures with English words.. sock, shirt, hat...

Primary School 6 classes - year 1-6

Junior High - Year 7-9

One of the little cuties here - baby of one of the staff
 (haven't managed a cuddle yet)

Monday 18 March 2013

Farewell Lombok

Well, ten days have past, and it is time to move on to another place and another adventure.  Lombok is indeed a beautiful island and worth a visit to just kick back and relax, as well as take in a bit of exploring. On one of the last few days I managed to join in on a Hash Harriers Run up into the hills.  There I found subdivisions going up with horrendous looking driveways, but with massive 180o views of the coastline.  And there the gap between rich and poor could be clearly seen with mansions built 50 metres away from simple huts.  Something we just don't see in the same context in New Zealand.  We cry from the rooftops "injustice", but here as westerners have settled, it has become a way of life.
Goodbye Lombok, thank you for the wonderful sunsets; I look forward to visiting you again!!

The home of the rich

The home of the poor

Friday 15 March 2013

A Days Outing to Kuta, South Lombok

While the heat here in Lombok can seem to be unbearable, at times, where sweat sits on your skin and clothing remains damp, the thought of missing out by sitting inside an airconditioned room somehow seems the safe and convenient option, and adventures just don't happen without taking a little risk and putting up with a little discomfort.  So I headed out with my new friend Anne today, to see the south side of the island where I had heard the coastline was breathtaking, with a visit to Annan's pottery shop at Banyumulek village and to the Sade traditional Sasak village along the way.  To learn and experience culture requires one to step out of that comfort zone and at the end of the day, you can sit back, reflect on the days events, check out the amazing photos and know you have grown as a person by doing something you haven't done before.  Thanks Anne for a fantastic day, your knowledge and company were a true pleasure, and the Ashtori hilltop cafe overlooking Kuta, South Lombok was a great choice for lunch. 

Sade Traditional Village, Rice drying room

Spinning cotton into thread at Sade Traditional Village

Sade Traditional Sasak Village

Wallowing water buffalo

Kuta Beach Coastline
Surf Break overlooking Kuta

Seger Beach, Kuta
kuta beach south lombok

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Island Paradise

Time spent today travelling to Senaru, to take in some of Lombok's mountain scenery.  It would be an injustice travelling all the way to this beautiful island, and not take in all the amazing sights this island paradise has to offer. Diverse from tropical coastline, to ricefields, traditional villages with thatched and bamboo huts, to jungle rainforests and mountains up in the clouds. I spent some time today walking into the rainforest to view two amazing waterfalls, time well worth spent!  The second required meandering over a bridge, crossing a stream with rapids and climbing over rocks.  You could hear the sound of the waterfall as you approached and the spray off Tiu Kelep waterfall was amazing.  No need to actually enter the pool under the waterfall to get wet, although if I had brought a change of clothes, I would have definately been in there.  For all those travelling to Lombok, put a trip to the waterfalls on the list of things to   see...simply amazing!!

Senura waterfall walk

Bottom of First waterfall Sindang Gila

Sindang Gila waterfall

second waterfall Tiu Kelep

in the pool under the waterfall .. the spray was amazing!!
Tiu Kelep ... simply breathtaking!!
One could sit for hours at the lunch table with this view to ponder on... 

Saturday 9 March 2013

Welcome to Lombok

Here I am on this tropical paradise just kicking back for a few days, enjoying great weather, great surroundings and great hosts.  It actually takes a bit to NOT do anything when you have been so busy.  Have just been relaxing at the McCarthy's enjoying their wonderful hospitality, company and home. Spent time at Albertos Cafe last night, and Senggigi Cove this morning for a walk and swim.  The pace is slow and life is good.  

Malimbu looking out to the Gili Islands

fishing boats at Senggigi Beach

Sunset at Senggigi

Home of Geoff and Ida

Ana, me and Ida

Senggigi Bay 5.00pm

on the beach at night

sunset viewing from the restaurant table

Friday 8 March 2013

It's been two days full of planes, airports, taxis and heat!!!  Looking forward to relaxing, catching up on sleep and looking around the wonderful island of Lombok.  Watch this space for photos....