Thursday 13 June 2013

Venice, the city on water

Back on the train, and 6 1/2 hours later, 2 train changes, here we are in Venezia Santa Lucia, a place swarming with people, most of them tourists just like us but not many of the English speaking kind!  I was sensible enough to book a guest house a short walk away, knowing that I would be carrying my bags (no cars here either!!) Over a bridge and around afew corners up and down several stairs, and thanks to good directions, arrived at our accommodation without any hitches.  Our guesthouse used to be a nunery, so some history here, and so quaint; our window opened to a side canal, and entrance to the building had a little street courtyard.  Had time to explore the many little cobbled streets around a series of canals and bridges, lined with all kinds of shops and delicaces.  So very tempting with amazing selections of gourmet treats all at very good prices.  The huges pizzas, where you buy one slice for your lunch for 2 Euro, the pasta dishes for 7 Euro and wines galore!  A trip on the water bus to Lido took us to the beach to soak up the sun, enjoying the delights of Italian gelato and frozen yoghurt much needed with total blue skies and soaring temperatures!!  Daylight is around until 9.30 pm, hence a culture of eating late and sleeping in, in the mornings.   A tour to the other islands of Murano, Burano and ? gave us a look at glass blowing and lace factories, and a very old cathedral.  Time to move onto Florence and the Cinque Terre .........

Welcome to Venice

our guesthouse, an old nunery

the streets of Venice

alleyways and canals

the bird lady 

gondolas on the canals


San Marco square, Venice

one of the many bridges and many canals

gthe island of Burano

Lido Beach, island off Venice

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