Monday 10 June 2013

Interlaken, Switzerland the land of Heidi

After leaving the busyness of Paris streets, the smog that settles overhead that is seen when you climb the heights of the city's iconic buildings, we settle into a direct 5 1/2 hour train trip into Switzerland, to the town of Interlaken.  And what a contrast!!!!   Clean crisp air, greenery and mountains, quaint little wooden chalets with bright coloured flowers in window boxes,  and the pace of life slow, chilled and happy.  This is my kind of place; friendly locals who can speak some English!, safe streets to wander, and time to enjoy the best that nature brings!  Some wonderful mountain scenery, great choice of walking tracks, plenty of outdoor activities,and  great restaurants to dine away the hours.  Chocolate, cheese, deli meats, yoghurt, to name afew; as long as you have plenty in your wallet, Switzerland will be one of your favourite places!!  And I can't forget to mention the novelty of seeing and hearing all the cows with bells around their necks!  Was a fantastic couple of days. spent cruising Mount Thun by ferry, checking out the streets and local shops, visiting Thummelbach waterfalls, travelling up the mountain to Schilthorn via trains and cable cars, and visiting Murren, a quaint little town up in the mountains where there are no cars!!!  "The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music......."

our hotel in Interlaken

Jess in Interlaken

Interlaken streets

Jess by the river, Interlaken

town of Murren

waterfall at lake Thun

swiss alps from Murren

chalets and mountains

on top of the world,,, well nearly

Schilthorn Pass

Murren and surrounding mountains


wild flowers by Thummelbach Falls

clear skies as we leave Interlaken

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