Thursday 6 June 2013

Paris, the City of Love

A long plane ride through the night, then a short drive by taxi to  our  hotel on the outskirts of the city.  Not the best of areas for dining and sightseeing, but a close metro station that takes you right into the city in 30 minutes.  Was a great place to wander the streets, and look at all the historic buildings, bridges, street lamps, statues and structures.  And  then there’s the many sidewalk cafes, bakeries and restaurants with great smells wafting out.  Musicians and painters in the streets along the Seine River and outside tourist attractions brought a kind of carnival atmosphere and the art on display in so many museums is a haven for all the art lovers.  As for me, I loved the ambience and vibe of the city and the amazing architectural structures both inside and out of the buildings we visited.  So much more we could have seen, but time is a ticking on ...... au revoir France, hello Switzerland .....

Arc de Tromphe
Champs Elysees
Eiffel Tower
Champ de Mars

Musee de Louvre

Musee de Louvre entrance

inside Opera Garnier

Opera Garnier

Notre Dame Cathedral

View from Eiffel Tower over Seine river and city

Sacre Couer

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