Friday 28 June 2013

Santorini, the island people dream about visiting, Paros, and Athens - the land of Greece

Santorini, an island sitting high in the waters of the Mediterrean, and falling sharply into the sea due to a volcanic eruption years ago.  Here you see a serene picture of white houses and buildings dotting the cliff sides and tops, with steep steps of cobbles and stone winding their way up to the top.  Blue skies and deep crystal clear waters make an amazing backdrop for a scene that photographers and painters alike revel in.  Stunning sunsets at 8.30pm, meandering paths and a laid back kind of attitude make this a great place to spend a few days, or if you have the time, a few weeks.  People are friendly, food is good, prices are affordable, and the shopping is great.  The Akrotiri ruins, an entire town found buried by a volcanic eruption, a volcanic island to visit, boat trips to neighbouring small islands, and generally a place to relax. 

And there are plenty of other islands to stay at, Paros being one of them, halfway back to Athens.  Beaches to relax on and enjoy the hot European sun made this a great stopover for a couple of days. 

 Then onto Athens where you see the signs of economic struggle, yet amidst that, there lies a culture and history that does not die.  The Acropolis and neighbouring streets showing the Greek heritage and the National Archeological Museum, with a fantastic display of artifacts dating way back in time. 

Acropolis, Athens

Oia, Santorini

Cathedral in Santorini

Craft shop on Paros

taken from a volcanic Island

from our walk from Fira to Oia

Firastefano, Santorini

sunset on the water, Santorini

swimming at a spot on our Captain Ben Lazy Day Boat Trip

Jess, Santorini

Sangrias, enjoying the view at Oia, Santorini

Friday 21 June 2013

The Heart of Italy, Rome

After a couple of days chilling out at Cecina, a local beachside stop, we enter Rome, the core of Italy and the city renouned for it's wealth of museums, basillicas, ruins and Roman history.  A tour  on the city Hop on Hop off bus helped us to see as much of the city as we could in the short time we had, the main focus for us being the Colesseum, where we took a guided tour in almost overwhelming  temperatures.

Colleseum view under where the floor would have been

waterfall in a central Rome square

side of the colleseum


sunset at Cecina Beach

Monday 17 June 2013

Cinque Terre, hillside wonderland

Travelled to Florence for the night, and took the opportunity to visit a couple of historial monuments.  Walking the streets of Florence in some ways reminded me of Paris but on a smaller scale, with many streets to amber along with very little traffic.   A great regal looking hotel, somewhat dated (the lift reminded me of Dr Who!!), but so conveniently located to the city centre and the train station.  Back on the train, and off to Cinque Terre, a historical National Park area, known for its hillside villages, mountain trails from village to village, and blue crystal clear waters.  Was an amazing place to visit, but certainly not for the faint hearted!!! Particularly if you have heavy luggage like I did!!
Stayed the night at Riomaggoire, stepping off the train and walking through a tunnel and up a steep cobbled street (no cars here either!) to find where our little room was.  Down a series of "rabbit warrens" with steps everywhere, and there was our room, totally adequate for our needs for a short stay.  The temperature is hot, hot, hot ...  I heard someone mention 40o and I can believe it.  Took to the beach for a dip and a sunbathe on the uncomfortable large stones on shoreline, before tucking into yet another great feast of pasta!  The next morning saw us on the ferry to Monterosso, relaxing and swimming at the beach (sandy this time!) before hitting the mountain trail to the village of Vernazza, a great 1 1/2 hour hike, and then train back to Riomaggoire where we collected our bags and took the train to our next beach stopover .... this is the life!!!
Jess in Florence

outside the office at our accommodation Riomaggiore

Riomaggiore Cenque Terre

Monterosso, Cinque Terre

Jess on the paddle board Monterosso

view from mountain trek Monterosso to Vernazza

marina Riomaggiore

Vernazza Cinque Terre

sunset at Riomaggiore

on our mountain trek
view from the top
looking down on the town of Vernazza

stony beach at Riomaggiore, so uncomfortable!! but so hot!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Venice, the city on water

Back on the train, and 6 1/2 hours later, 2 train changes, here we are in Venezia Santa Lucia, a place swarming with people, most of them tourists just like us but not many of the English speaking kind!  I was sensible enough to book a guest house a short walk away, knowing that I would be carrying my bags (no cars here either!!) Over a bridge and around afew corners up and down several stairs, and thanks to good directions, arrived at our accommodation without any hitches.  Our guesthouse used to be a nunery, so some history here, and so quaint; our window opened to a side canal, and entrance to the building had a little street courtyard.  Had time to explore the many little cobbled streets around a series of canals and bridges, lined with all kinds of shops and delicaces.  So very tempting with amazing selections of gourmet treats all at very good prices.  The huges pizzas, where you buy one slice for your lunch for 2 Euro, the pasta dishes for 7 Euro and wines galore!  A trip on the water bus to Lido took us to the beach to soak up the sun, enjoying the delights of Italian gelato and frozen yoghurt much needed with total blue skies and soaring temperatures!!  Daylight is around until 9.30 pm, hence a culture of eating late and sleeping in, in the mornings.   A tour to the other islands of Murano, Burano and ? gave us a look at glass blowing and lace factories, and a very old cathedral.  Time to move onto Florence and the Cinque Terre .........

Welcome to Venice

our guesthouse, an old nunery

the streets of Venice

alleyways and canals

the bird lady 

gondolas on the canals


San Marco square, Venice

one of the many bridges and many canals

gthe island of Burano

Lido Beach, island off Venice

Monday 10 June 2013

Interlaken, Switzerland the land of Heidi

After leaving the busyness of Paris streets, the smog that settles overhead that is seen when you climb the heights of the city's iconic buildings, we settle into a direct 5 1/2 hour train trip into Switzerland, to the town of Interlaken.  And what a contrast!!!!   Clean crisp air, greenery and mountains, quaint little wooden chalets with bright coloured flowers in window boxes,  and the pace of life slow, chilled and happy.  This is my kind of place; friendly locals who can speak some English!, safe streets to wander, and time to enjoy the best that nature brings!  Some wonderful mountain scenery, great choice of walking tracks, plenty of outdoor activities,and  great restaurants to dine away the hours.  Chocolate, cheese, deli meats, yoghurt, to name afew; as long as you have plenty in your wallet, Switzerland will be one of your favourite places!!  And I can't forget to mention the novelty of seeing and hearing all the cows with bells around their necks!  Was a fantastic couple of days. spent cruising Mount Thun by ferry, checking out the streets and local shops, visiting Thummelbach waterfalls, travelling up the mountain to Schilthorn via trains and cable cars, and visiting Murren, a quaint little town up in the mountains where there are no cars!!!  "The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music......."

our hotel in Interlaken

Jess in Interlaken

Interlaken streets

Jess by the river, Interlaken

town of Murren

waterfall at lake Thun

swiss alps from Murren

chalets and mountains

on top of the world,,, well nearly

Schilthorn Pass

Murren and surrounding mountains


wild flowers by Thummelbach Falls

clear skies as we leave Interlaken