Friday 3 May 2013

Four Winds Cambodia Project

The Computer and English Literacy Learning Centre (CELL Centre)  is where I have been helping out in every day except Friday.  The CELL Centre is a place where students from poor families, come to class in the afternoons after their government school classes have finished, and  those in the top group, come on Sundays.  Here they learn English and Computer and it is funded by Four Winds Cambodia. I have been helping the teacher with his computer studies on Microsoft Office in the mornings, and in the classes each afternoon  with grammar, pronunciation and spelling.  It is good fun, mainly because the young people who are attending are there because they want to learn, and try really hard.  They may not get it right every time but they give it a go.
The last couple of days I have seen some other things that Four Winds Cambodia do.  One is help the poor with healthcare and medical assistance. While Peter runs a day clinic from his house each day in the mornings, help is also given as the need arises.  This week we visited a man in his 30’s, dying from TB with respiratory disease.  Breathing had become difficult, so the Project gave money to the family to purchase some oxygen for him.  He was given other medication to relieve some side effects of the drugs he was on, and we heard today he had some sleep last night for the first time in two weeks.  We also visited a widow with a small child who had lost her husband 6 weeks ago.  She is living in a small hut by the river stopbank (dike), that leaks when it rains.  The project is funding and building her a new  home.  To those who give and support Four Winds Cambodia, know that your money is making a difference in the lives of the poor in Cambodia, and they are very grateful for the help.

CELL Centre

CELL Centre Class

Widows Hut

Project Garden

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