Wednesday 22 May 2013

Everyday memories of Cambodian village life ....

The simple necessities of life; water, firewood, feed for the stock, and rice for the family.  An open fire for cooking under a lean to, a scoop for washing and carrying water from the urns, huge stacks of rice straw, and large bags of rice stored to last through until the next harvest.  Water buffalo and cows sheltering under the houses at night, with fires creating smoke to fend off the mosquitoes, dogs roaming around, chickens and roosters free range in every backyard, dirt roads and open drains.  Oxcarts heading off with a load of buffalo manure stored in the corner of the yard, to fertilise the ricepaddies ready for planting after the rains have come, cows led off for a few hours in the day to find some grass to graze on, and naked little children running around and playing in the yards of their homes.  A world away from life as I knew it, yet how quickly it has become life as I know it.   I guess it’s an example of how experiences change the way we view the world.  Farewell Phum Veal, I am richer for having been here.

Village Children

Village Pagoda

Cows off to graze

Neighbour working in his backyard

Off to work

ploughing ready for planting

Water Supply
Today I have my clothes on! Usually they are off!!
Water Buffalo and the fire to ward off the mossies!

Backyard feeding

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