Thursday 17 January 2013

Welcome to Kolkata, India

It's touch down again, another country but familiar smells, sounds, people and traffic!!! But hello, we have yellow taxis, dogs lying around everywhere, and crows galore!!

Spent a couple of days visiting various tourist spots like Victoria Memorial Hall, the Indian Museum and Mother Teresas House, as well as catching up with Alannah at Freeset.  What a fantastic ministry, providing women with employment to get them out of prostitution and able to provide for themselves and their families.  So if you see a jute bag or teeshirt labelled Freeset, buy it and support a fantastic initiative helping and supporting women to help themselves!!!  The Baptist Missionary Society was a great guesthouse to stay and meet people from all over the world who were doing volunteer work amongst the poor of Kolkata.  And cheap too!!

Victoria Memorial Hall - history of British influence

Can you believe it?  We found a Pizza Hut... and it was YUM!!

Cows in the street?  In the City?  Yep., that's right!

The automobile shop area

Rooftop view over Kolkata residential

The streets of Kolkata

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