Saturday 19 January 2013

Farewell Kolkata

Well, three days has passed, and it's time to pack our stuff up again and head off for our next destination.  Kolkata has certainly been an eye opener, and made me incredibly thankful for infrastructure our country has in place; providing us with fresh running water, safe and secure electricity, clean, rubbish free streets, rules for traffic on the road, pest and animal control, not to mention sanitation and hygiene regulations.  Things we believe are "normal" and our "rights", but really, what a privilege and a blessing they are.

Here in Kolkata, you get a new perspective on humanity, and what life is like for so many people.  To see the maimed begging in the streets, the homeless squatting on the sides of the road many with their children in tow, and the endless stalls manned by people who have so little who are just trying to make afew dollars to feed their families.... I guess it makes you question your own value system........what is really important????

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