Saturday 20 July 2013

Casa Kiwi, a wonderful home for some great kids

It has been a privilege to meet the team at Casa Kiwi in Targu Mures, a home where children who have not had the best start to life through no fault of their own, now have a loving, caring and well equipped home to see them grow and mature and have opportunities that they didn't have before.  A first hand look at the renovation project on the go at the moment and time visiting the temporary home each day has given me such an appreciation for the work, time and funds that numerous generous people have put into making Casa Kiwi all it is today.  With Sonia and Carol from the Hawkes Bay here visiting as well, us ladies had a great time taking the kids out and generally just hanging out with them and enjoying their company.  What a great bunch of kids they are, so caring of people and one another, helpful and well behaved.  Such an awesome time and meeting these kids has put the work of the foundation here into fresh perspective.  The last two weeks has certainly been life changing and hats off to the wonderful people here in Romania who are having such an impact on the lives of many children.  May God continue to open doors, bless and protect you....

having fun with balloons

the sheer excitement with bubbles

visiting Casa Kiwi

and the poses.....

fun on the swing

we love to swim
the Kiwi team

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