Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Final Frontier

My time of travel is over, and now I am about to board the plane to go home to my beloved New Zealand. My time away has made me really appreciate the amazing country we live in. The cleanliness of the environment, the space we have, the governing laws and justice system that keep us safe and honest, the contrast and beauty of our land, the weather that creates magical seasons and brings out the best in our vegetation and flora, our native plants and animals, our friendly down-to-earth people and the ability we have to freely worship our God. So many things we can take for granted, but after having visited 20 countries in the last ten months that don't have all that we have, it has really made me re-evaluate what home means to me.

While I have had the chance to minister and help in five different countries on four continents, I really believe these places have made more of an impact on me than what I have made on them. No doubt I will spend quite some time reflecting on my time away, and how it has changed me as a person. How I view the world, other people and situations will most likely never be the same.

But I know it has made me a better person .... what a journey, what an adventure ..... where to from here? .... watch this space! .....